Autumn update from MLM

Autumn Update

The summer months seem like a distant memory as we hurtle towards shorter days and Christmas just around the corner. We have settled quickly into our new offices and for those clients who have not had the chance to visit our new offices, please do pop in, we would love to see you in person.

The past 3 months have seen some notable new appointments at MLM, strengthening both the management and the accounts departments. We welcome Gavin Putney taking on the role as team leader in our management department, Nayan Halai joining the accounts team and Michelle Davis joining as HR & Office Manager in November to replace Louie-Mae Brisley who has departed to take up a new position.

Moving forward with new and existing technological developments is always a welcome challenge and the last quarter has been no less busy for us.   We have finished our testing phase for broadcast text messaging and emailing which will be a welcome addition to improving our customer service. New reporting structures to our award winning management and accounting software are also nearing completion and our new website will be launched soon.

We are also implementing the control system launched by our independent auditors Websters who have developed a cutting edge control tool for their managing agents to ensure that year end account queries are dealt with more efficiently with a more streamlined process for the production of service charge and statutory accounts.

The past 3 months has also seen a number of notable new instructions for MLM, including the new Archway House development by Bode Properties together with continued management advise and instructions from the likes of Berkeley Homes, Granger, Regis, Dorchester and Chase New Homes as well as a number of smaller independent Residents Management Companies. To all our clients, we thank you for continuing to show support for our brand.

Over the next 3 months we will be undertaking a large review of our service delivery and seeking feedback from clients with a view to making adjustments to strengthen the service delivery where possible.

I report on this more in the next round up in early 2016.


Michael Jacobs B.Sc. (Hons) MIRPM MRICS

Managing Director

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