MLM’s multi award winning development

Award Winning Development

Ok so we have never been shy about highlighting one of our landmark developments and we’ve got more to say about Paynes and Borthwick Wharf in Greenwich.

We are delighted for our Client, United House, that they received the silver award in the Best Apartment Scheme and Best Brownfield Site for Paynes and Borthwick at the “What House” awards held at the end of 2014.

The judges were impressed with the quality of the scheme and the impressive mix of housing which is “helping to transform a riverside neighbourhood”, which we couldn’t agree with more.

The following month the MLM team dusted off our glad rags to attend the Property Managements Awards where we were thrilled to collect the Highly Commended Awards for the Estate Management Team for Paynes & Borthwick and New Build Property Management Company.

2014 also saw Paynes and Borthwick Wharf being home to the Spectators Guild Venetian Play with daily audiences at the scheme – something no other development has experienced.

Congratulations to all who have helped to make 2014 a great year.

This is an amazing success for our Client and for Paynes and Borthwick Wharf to receive the recognition it deserves and we’re excited to see what 2015 brings.




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