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Property Management


Utilities & Amenities

Looking after the little details that make a big difference

Often, it’s not the big things in life that cause the most heartache, but the little things that go wrong for no reason other than a lack of good service or management.

At MLM our experience and the knowledge that brings can often be the difference between badly run and costly shared facilities and amenities, and a smooth-running building that is a pleasure to live or work in.

Hot water management

There is a tendency in newer developments to install Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. We have extensive experience in both the installation and management of CHP systems.

In some cases, we have taken over buildings that have had badly incorrectly installed or badly run CHP systems and we’ve learned that when that happens it can end in a lot of frustration for tenants and big capital expenditure bills for clients.

It’s our in-depth knowledge of these systems and our ability to ensure accurate billing based on consumption that puts us ahead of our competitors.

We’ll look after maintenance and servicing, ensure the system is fit for purpose and installed correctly, the individual heat interface units (HIUs) are properly maintained and the correct billing systems are in place so you and your tenants only pay for the energy actually used.

Other shared amenities

Our management service includes all shared communal spaces and amenities. This means we’ll ensure car parks, refuse storage areas, gulleys and drains, bicycle storage areas and other communal areas and facilities are maintained and managed to a standard that makes your building a desirable and stress-free environment in which to live.

(Click here to read about a Communal Heating System case study)